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9. Service introduction of PIMA server
9. Service introduction of PIMA server
9. Service introduction of PIMA server
9. Service introduction of PIMA server
You can get diverse services as like video monitoring, function control of Home
server, electronic photo frame etc via internet at worldwide anywhere if registering at
PIMA server. Besides, you can monitor video image via internet connection by mobile
9.1 to register PIMA server
9.1 to register PIMA server
9.1 to register PIMA server
9.1 to register PIMA server
In order to register to PIMA
server, please send the below to PIMA service
center by fax or e-mail.
- Product's serial no :
- Service Applicant
. Name
. Address
. Telephone no
. Fax no
. e-mail
- Subscription applicant
. Name
. Address
. Telephone no
. Fax no
. e-mail
- Emergency Contacts (to be registered to Home server)
. Telephone 1
. Telephone 2
. Telephone 3
. Telephone 4
. Telephone 5
9.2 PIMA server Introduction
9.2 PIMA server Introduction
9.2 PIMA server Introduction
9.2 PIMA server Introduction
For more information on PIMA server, please contact PIMA server homepage or
PIMA service center.
Home Page
Contact : E-mail :
012)3456-7890, FAX : 012)3456-7891
We allow ID, Password and Authorization code register of PIMA server for
supplying services and it is managed.