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After calling from Home server and connected to Home server, telephone no can be
registered if pushing button no "8". After entering telephone no, telephone is registered if
pushing "*" button.
< Remarks >
< Remarks >
< Remarks >
< Remarks > In
012-234-5678, it will be ok if pushing 0313601331
0122345678 . Registration no is u
max up to 5. To connect interior phone line to home server, if the number you are
trying to dial is an outside number, add the number to connect you to an outside
line(usually 9) and # in front of the number you are dialing. For example, if the number
you are trying to dial is 019-660-6890, as shown in the picture, press 9#0196606983
and press *.
7.1.9 to change password
7.1.9 to change password
7.1.9 to change password
7.1.9 to change password
After calling to Home server and connected to Home server, if pushing button
no. "0", voice introduction is coming as like "after entering your new password to
change, please push "*" button". At this moment, after entering new password to change,
password can be changed if pushing "*" button.
After calling from Home server and connected to Home server, password can be changed
if pushing button no "0". After entering password to change, password is changed
pushing "*" button.
< Remarks >
< Remarks >
< Remarks >
< Remarks > For changing password to "1234", push "1234*". Entering possibile
no is Max. 4 digit.
7.1.10 to lock Door lock
7.1.10 to lock Door lock
7.1.10 to lock Door lock
7.1.10 to lock Door lock
After calling to Home server and connected to Home server, if pushing "#"
button, voice introduction is coming as like "Door is closed" and Door lock is closed.
After calling from Home server and connected to Home server, if pushing "#" button,
user can close Door lock.
7.2 to cope with visitor
7.2 to cope with visitor
7.2 to cope with visitor
7.2 to cope with visitor
At all Guard status, if visitor push 'CALL" button, automatically it is called to
telephone no registered at Home server and notified that there are visitor with voice
introduction as like "Tony's House located at Dawning street. there are visitor".
After notifying to Home server about "call is received" by pushing "*" button
when phone calling from Home server, it can be talked with person standing in front of
entrance door camera if pushing button no "3" of telephone. In order to open door, push
button no "5". If you want to end a talk and to hang up, push button no "9".