Operation and Service KBL 6800/6900
Illustr. 5-6-1: Undo the screw holding
the outer covering
Illustr. 5-6-2: Undo the screws hol-
ding the chrome covering
. 5-6-4: Unscrew the re! ector
Illustr. 5-6-3: Disconnect the re! ec-
tors at the respective ignition unit
from the electrical system
Illustr. 5-6-5: Spread the clamp and
take off the burner including socket
Illustr. 5-6-6: Insert the new burner
and ensure a snug " t
Illustr. 5-6-7: Insert the re! ector
Illustr. 5-6-8: Re! ector correctly posi-
tioned under the chrome cover
Flat projection