Komodo CXP Reference Guide
Board component Blocks
One Arria V GZ 5AGZME5HF35C4 FPGA in an 1152-pin BGA (FBGA)
400K LEs
1092 DSP blocks
28 Mbit on-die block memory
3276 9x9 multipliers
2184 18x18 multipliers
1092 27x27 multipliers
546 36x36 multipliers
534 general purpose input/output
FPGA configuration circuitry
JTAG header
EPCQ256 programmable flash memory
Clocking circuitry
125-MHz LVDS oscillator for transceiver reference clock
100-MHz reference clock from the PCIe edge connector
25-MHz single-ended oscillator for DDR3 memory
16Gb DDR3, 64 bit data width
up to 128Gb DDR3, 64 bit data width SODIMM (optional)
General user I/O
Four user LEDs
GPIO headers with up to 40 possible I\O connections
CoaXPress interface
Up to 8 DIN connector for CoaXPress interface
Up to 8 CoaXPress interface LED (dual-color)
Power supply
PCI Express edge connector power
External power connector for PoCXP
Board Components