• For separate measurement of flow and temperature select a
flow unit as
Middle Unit in the Setup Wizard. Complete the
wizard and then go to
Main Menu - In/Output.
• In the
In/Output menu assign the temperature input to
channel 1, and select
Inlet or Outlet from the menu.
• In the
Display menu set the Top Line or Bottom Line to either
Tin or Tout depending on the previous selection.
• In the
Datalogger menu select either Tin or Tout from the list
of variables depending on the previous selection.
• When measuring, the flowmeter will be logging the PT100 input
and can be viewed by pressing
1/NEXT on the keypad.
• This data can also be assigned to a process output in the
In/Output menu following the same process.
Process In/Outputs: Setup
• Configured in/outputs can be set up in
Main Menu - In/Output,
depending on which in/outputs are available. The in/output lis-
ted at the top of the list on
Slot 1 inside the connection compart-
ment, the in/output listed second from top on
Slot 2 and so on.
• After selecting an in/output, it can be assigned to a measurement
channel. The structure of the further steps depends on the indivi-
dual type of in/output.
Process In/Outputs: Connection
• In/outputs can be connected to devices via screw terminals.
These can be found inside the connection compartment below
the control panel.
• The illustration on the left gives an overview of the terminal
assignment (Pic. 6).
• Remove the screws at the left and right to gain access to the
Heat Quantity Measurement (where specified)
• The KATflow 150 is capable of measuring heat flow and heat quantity.
• To measure heat flow, select a heat flow unit (W, kW, MW) as
Unit when going through the Setup Wizard of the selected measure-
ment channel.
• To measure heat quantity, select a heat quantity unit (J, kJ, kWh).
• On selection of one of these units, the flowmeter requests the entry
of the specific heat capacity of the medium in [J/(g.K)]. Enter the
value of the fluid and confirm with
ENTER. Complete the remaining
steps ofthe
Setup Wizard.
• The temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the monitored system are
used to determine heat flow and heat quantity.
• Connect the supplied 4-wire PT100 temperature sensors to the flow-
meter as per the illustration below (Pic. 6).
6. Input/output compartment, inside terminals
• After setting up the flow measurement channel go to
Main Menu -
In/Output, in order to assign the PT100 inputs to the channel.
• Use the cursor keys to select
PT100 4 WIRE and confirm with ENTER.
• On the next screen, use the cursor keys to select the flow channel to
which the temperature input is applied. Choose
Channel 1 or 2.
OFF will disable the input. Confirm with ENTER.
• On the following screen choose
PT100 to use the temperature meas-
ured on the pipe. To enter a fixed temperature value, select
User and
enter the value.
• Define whether the PT100 sensor measures the inlet or outlet tempera-
ture. Use the cursor keys to select as appropriate and confirm with
• On the next screen a temperature offset can be applied. After confirm-
ing again with
ENTER the meter returns to the Main Menu.
• Once the setup of the first temperature input has been completed, re-
peat these steps for the configuration ofthe second input.
Temperature and Flow Measurement
© Copyright Katronic Technologies Ltd. 2015 | Issue: QS_KF150_V42EN_1510 | All rights reserved.
KATflow 150
Quick Start Manual
Katronic Technologies Ltd.
Tel. +44 (0)2476 714 111