When You Travel Abroad, Camp or Backpack…
…you run a risk of illness ranging from the inconvenience and discomfort of diarrhoea to more
serious illnesses caused by protozoan cysts (i.e., Legionella, Giardia, Cryptosporidium), viruses
and bacteria.
The microorganisms that cause these diseases are often found in the food and water you consume.
Lakes, streams and the local water supply may be contaminated.
To minimize the risk of contracting these illnesses, we suggest that you consult with your physician,
state health department or traveller’s clinic 4-6 weeks before you depart.
And while you are travelling…
• Make sure that prepared food is thoroughly cooked.
• Select non-cooked foods (fruits, nuts, etc.) that have intact shells or skins, and clean your hands
before peeling the food.
• Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly and often, especially before you eat. Filter all
drinking water with your Katadyn Combi Water Microfilter.
The Katadyn Combi Microfilter is an essential piece of outdoor equipment. For questions or
suggestions, please contact us at +41 44 839 21 11.
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