BaBy BaCK riBS aNd yamS
3 medium sized yams.
1 rack baby back ribs ~ 16 ribs.
Seasoning for rub on ribs.
Favorite BBQ sauce
Preheat the BR-2 to 400 (F). Only takes about 6-8 minutes.
Apply favorite “rub” seasoning to raw ribs and wrap in foil.
Spread aluminum foil over a 9 x 13 baking tray (not included). Wrap each yam in
foil and place the three yams on it.
Turn oval lift rack turned up-side-down and place into the baking tray to achieve an
elevation of 2-1/2” from the bottom of the cooking pan.
Place foil covered ribs on that upper rack for baking.
Increase temperature to 420 (F), close the BR-2 and bake for 2 and 3/4 hours.
Carefully open foil packets. Serve ribs with BBQ sauce applied or on the side.
Consider preserving ample juices from ribs to mix with the BBQ sauce.
The BR-2 is capable of making multiple course dinners with the easy
placement of racks and trays.