3. The various components of the blood-pressure monitor
Table for classifying blood-pressure values (unit: mmHg) according to World Health Organization:
Further information
If your values are mostly standard under resting conditions but exceptionally high under conditions of physical or psychological
stress, it is possible that you are suffering from so-called «labile hypertension». Please consult your doctor if you suspect that
this might be the case.
Correctly measured diastolic blood-pressure values above 120mmHg require immediate medical treatment.
2. Important information on the subject of blood-pressure and its measurement
Systolic Blood-pressure
Diastolic Blood-pressure Measures
lower than 100
lower than 60
Consult your doctor
Blood pressure optimum
between 100 and 120
between 60 and 80 Self-check
Blood pressure normal
between 120 and 130
between 80 and 85 Self-check
Blood pressure slightly high
between 130 and 140
between 85and 90 Consult your doctor
Blood pressure too high
between 140 and 160
Between90and 100 Seek medical advice
Blood pressure far too high
between 160 and 180
Between100and 110 Seek medical advice
Blood pressure dangerously high Higher than 180
Higher than 110 Urgently seek medical