9.808-136.0 Rev. 00 (09/18)
Remove the pump manifold and inspect system. See sec-
on 6.5.2. If the pump parts are in good condi on con n-
ue to #2.
2. Call Technical support for further instruc on.
Water leaking from under pump
There are many seal point on the pump crankcase that help
keep oil in the pump. Inspect all sides of the pump to deter-
mine where the oil is coming from.
1. If the oil is leaking from the back of the pump (the back of
the pump is where the sight glass is—opposite of the
manifold) see sec on 6.5.16. If the back of the pump is
not leaking con nue to #2.
2. If the oil is leaking from the engine side of the pump see
sec on 6.5.17. If the oil is not leaking from the engine side
of the pump then con nue to #3.
3. If the oil is leaking from the opposite side of the pump
(away from the engine) see sec on 6.5.18. If the oil is not
leaking from the opposite side of the pump from the en-
gine con nue to #4
4. If the oil is leaking from under the pump manifold side see
sec on 6.5.19. If the oil is not leaking from under the
manifold or con nues to leak a?er repairs con nue to #5
5. Call Technical support for further instruc on.
Milky oil is an indica on what water has been introduced to
the oil.
1. Water can be introduced from cleaning the pump. The oil
dips ck is also a breather and can allow water to be intro-
duced to oil if a stream of water is used to clean the
pump. If this is the cause then change the pump oil. Test
machine to see if milky oil returns. If pump oil is again
milky or water has not been introduced to the oil from
cleaning con nue to #2.
2. Water can be introduced from condensa on. This can
occur if the machine has been si>ng a long me. If this is
the cause then change the pump oil. Test machine to see
if milky oil returns or water was not introduced to the oil
from condensa on con nue to #3.
3. Water can be introduced to the oil via the pump manifold
side. Inspect the water moving side of the pump. See sec-
on 6.5.2. If the water moving side of the pump looks
good or oil con nues to become milky con nue to #4.
4. Call Technical support for further instruc on.
6.3.11 Oil is leaking from under pump
6.3.12 Oil is milky
6.3.13 Pressure washer unloader cycles when trigger or spray bar trigger is released
If the pressure trapped on the outlet side of the unloader is
released the unloader will think the trigger has been pulled
and will come out of bypass. If the machine is not in washing
mode then this is usually caused by a leak in the pressure sys-
tem between the unloader and the trigger gun or spray bar
on/off trigger.
1. Inspect pressure system between unloader and trigger
gun and spray bar on off trigger. Repair any leaks. If there
are not any leaks or the repairs didn’t solve the issue con-
nue to #2.
2. Inspect the trigger gun for leaks. See sec on 6.5.20. If
there are not any leaks or the repairs didn’t solve the is-
sue con nue to #3.
3. Inspect the spray bar on/off trigger. See sec on 6.5.21. If
there are not any leaks or the repairs didn’t solve the is-
sue con nue to #4
4. Call Technical support for further instruc on.