9.808-136.0 Rev. 00 (09/18)
is the feeling in your hand when holding the trigger
gun and/or wand that feels like a water pick. It is caused by an
interrup on in the high pressure stream. Figure 1 represents a
constant pressure washing stream.
Figure 2 represents a pulsa on in a pressure washer stream.
Trouble shoo$ng process
Understanding the difference between low, cavita$on and pulsa$ng pressure
is the fluctua on of pressure up and down and is
caused by air being drawn into the suc on side of the pump.
The water gaps or air bubbles will “explode” when the water is
trying to be pressurized producing vibra on, noise and dam-
age to many components.
Figure 1 represents a constant pressure washing stream.
Figure 2 represents a cavita on in a pressure washer stream
where the pressure fluctuates up and down.
Most common causes of cavita on are air being drawn into
the system from loose/broken inlet fi>ngs, kinked or restrict-
ed inlet flow or heat.
Low pressure
is the result of lower volume passing trough the
nozzle or the resistance of the nozzle being less then designed.
Figure 1 represents a correct pressure washing stream.
Figure 2 represents a low pressure stream.