Pos : 12.33. 14 / 9 Wartung/I nst ands etz ung/Filter wec hsel /Übersc hrift Arbeitssc hritt e beim Taschenfilt erwec hs el @ 1 \ mod_1337149436978_131.doc x @ 13306 @ 3 @ 1
Work steps for pocket filter change
Pos : 12.33. 15 / 9 Wartung/I nst ands etz ung/Filter wec hsel Aufz ähl ung für Filt ert uc hwec hs el mit Skizz e @ 0\ mod_1263816925305_131. doc x @ 1588 @ @ 1
(1) Remove bag-type filter insert complete from (2) filter case.
Removing the filter cloth:
(3) Place on a suitable flat surface with perforated plate side down,
(4) Loosen hexagon nuts, (5) Remove spacer grille with leaf springs,
(6) Put impervious plastic bag over soiled filter cloth,
(7) Loosen retaining band,
(8) Raise filter cloth together with plastic bag 200mm, rotate by 180° and place on a flat surface,
(9) Remove spacer frame from individual pockets of filter cloth,
(10) Seal plastic bag with filter cloth inside tightly and ensure correct disposal.
Clean remaining parts for re-use.
Fitting the filter cloth:
Insert spacer frame into new filter cloth (see wear parts list)
Rotate filter cloth with spacer frame by 180° and position on filter insert,
Fix retaining band over the filter cloth in the area of the bead,
Mount spacer grille with leaf spring, align pockets of filter cloth with holes on spacer grille.
Pos : 12.33. 16 / 0 Allgemei nes /Seit enumbruc h @ 0\ mod_1265272007940_0.doc x @ 2191 @ @ 1