Installing and removing the program
Figure 17. Copying the package software components’
key file to your PDA running Pocket PC
2.2.3. Transferring the package
components to a PDA running Palm
Step 3. Copy the key file(s) onto your PDA running Palm OS
For the selected Kaspersky
Security for PDA components to utilize all their
features, you need to copy key files for each of the installed components onto the
Palm device into their installation directory.
DataSafe for Palm OS cannot be started without the appro-
priate and Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Palm OS will run as a demo ver-
sion; i.e. the program will be able to detect any virus on your Palm de-
vice but it will be disabled to remove the viruses detected. The monitor-
ing functions will also be unavailable.
To install the key files for the package software components transferred
to your Palm device, follow these steps:
1. Start Palm Desktop on your desktop and press the
button in
the main window (see Figure 18).