Appendix B
MS Office 2000 providing 100% guaranteed protection against any macro-
B.2. Other Kaspersky Labs Products
Anti-Virus Personal/Personal Pro
The package has been developed to provide the full-scale anti-virus protection
for home computers running the Windows 95/98/ME, or the Windows 2000/NT,
or the Windows XP operation system, MS Office 2000 business applications and
the Outlook and Outlook Express mail programs. Kaspersky
Personal/Personal Pro includes a program to retrieve daily updates via the
Internet, an integrated module of management and automation of your anti-virus
protection. The unique second generation heuristic-analysis system effectively
neutralizes unknown viruses. The simple and easy-to-use interface allows you to
quickly change the program settings and makes you feel maximum comfort while
working with the program.
Anti-Virus Personal includes:
anti-virus scanner
provides a comprehensive check of all local and
network drive contents on demand;
anti-virus monitor
automatically checks in real-time all used files;
mail filter
automatically checks in the background for viruses in all in-
coming and outgoing messages;
control center
automatically starts Kaspersky
Anti-Virus by sched-
ule, enables you to centrally manage the program and to automati-
cally broadcast notifications on virus attacks.
Anti-Virus Personal Pro includes all the above components plus:
integrity checker
that traces content changes on your hard drive and
allows the complete recovery of modified files and boot sectors on
behavior blocker
that guarantees 100% protection from destructive