Application's operation efficiency
kilobytes. By default, the box is checked and the size of the
object is 1024 KB.
8.2. Anti-spam protection efficiency
In order to configure the anti-spam protection efficiency settings:
1. In the main application window select the
Kaspersky Security 5.5
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
node in the console tree,
open it, select the node corresponding to the server you need and
follow the
Anti-Spam protection
link in the results pane.
2. Go to the
tab in the
Anti-Spam protection
window (see
Figure 23) that will open and specify the values for the efficiency
Specify the number of kernel instances that are running
simultaneously in the
Number of copies of the anti-spam
field (the default value is
2 x the number of pro
Specify the time restriction for processing each message in the
Maximum time to scan 1 message (sec)
field. The default
value is 200 seconds.