Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Lotus Notes/Domino
Enable anti-virus scanning for the following object types:
Scan archives
. The application will scan archive files and their
Scan packed executable files
. The application will check
executable files packed using special utilities. If it finds a virus
inside a packed file, it can be cured (provided that disinfection
has been selected as the action for infected files). The original
file will be replaced then with its unpacked and disinfected copy.
Encrypted objects
. The application will check objects
encrypted using standard Lotus Notes/Domino tools.
Define the maximum scanning duration for a single object in the
field. If an object cannot be scanned within the specified time interval, it
will be skipped.
Define the number of simultaneously running scanning processes in the
Number of the anti-virus kernel instances
field. Each anti-virus
scanning task uses a single kernel instance. Thus, when the number of
kernel instances is increased, the number of processes running
simultaneously will increase, too. Such settings affect the CPU load and,
consequently, its performance. Therefore you are advised to consider
your CPU performance selecting the number of kernel instances and to
avoid using more than 3 processes simultaneously.
Select the type of the anti-virus databases to use for scanning:
Standard databases (viruses only)
– the anti-virus databases containing
detailed descriptions of all viruses known at the moment as well as
methods of their detection and removal. These databases are used by
Extended databases (v riskware)
– the anti-virus databases
containing in addition to virus records information about potentially unsafe
software, adware, automatic dialing utilities. Such programs have
vulnerabilities that can be exploited for hacker attacks, installation of
unauthorized programs, etc.
Redundant databases (v riskware, spyware, adware)
– the most
complete anti-virus databases. In addition to the information above, they
also contain descriptions of spyware and adware.
Spyware programs allow intruders to access and transfer personal information
without due authorization (e.g., addresses of visited web sites, passwords, bank
Adware programs are installed together with other software, and display
advertising messages, open pop-up windows containing advertisements, or force