Kaspersky Labs Ltd
You can choose the anti-virus program best suited to the operating systems and
applications you use.
Kaspersky® Anti-Spam
Kaspersky® Anti-Spam is a cutting edge software suite designed to help organi-
zations with small and medium size networks wage war against the onslaught of
undesired e-mail (spam). The product combines all modern methods of e-mail
filtration (including RBL lists), a revolutionary technology where the program lin-
guistically analyses message text, and a unique collection of services that allows
users to identify and wipe out up to 95% of unwanted traffic.
Kaspersky® Anti-Spam acts as a filter installed at the network entrance, where it
verifies incoming e-mail traffic streams for objects identified as spam. The soft-
ware is compatible with any mail system already used in the customer’s com-
pany, and can be installed both on an existing mail server or a dedicated one.
The high effectiveness of Kaspersky® Anti-Spam is enabled by the daily update
of the content filtration database with samples provided by the specialists of a
linguistic laboratory.
Contact Information
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please refer them to our
distributors or directly to Kaspersky Labs. We will be glad to advise you on any
matters related to our product by phone or e-mail, and all your recommendations
and suggestions will be thoroughly reviewed and considered.
Technical support information can be found at
General in-