Introduction to Commands
Some Abbreviations
Ctrl-x = Ctrl is the control key and x represents any alpha character. This is a two key combination.
Press the Ctrl key and while holding it down type the letter x (this can be capital or lower case, but
will be shown as capital). Release both. If your computer keyboard has no key labeled Ctrl, consult
your computer manual to determine which key performs the control key function.
$ preceding a number denotes a hex number (base 16)
<CR> = carriage return, $0D, decimal 13, Ctrl-M
<LF> = line feed, $0A, decimal 10, Ctrl-J
I/O = Input/Output
Computer and terminal are used interchangeably to describe whatever device is attached to talk to
the TNC.
Commands Structure
There are many commands which affect operation of the Kantronics TNCs. Some commands affect
performance under specific conditions, some change parameters affecting general operation and
other direct a one-time action.
The user changes parameter and issues instructions to the TNC by typing commands composed of
English-like word abbreviations and variables which are numbers or strings of characters chosen by
the user. You will probably never change some of these parameters.
Default values are stored in the EPROM and are the settings used at power-on. If you change any
setting or value and PERM it, the new setting or value will be stored in the EEPROM and will be the
value used at future power-on. Parameters which you change but do not PERM will revert to fac-
tory defaults at the next power-on. A hard reset can be done to the factory defaults, as described
in the Installation Manual. If using the optional Battery Backup or SmartWatch all changes parame-
ters are backed up immediately.
A command is entered to the TNC by typing the command name and its argument (setting or val-
ue) in the Command Mode. The prompt for Command Mode is:
The command and argument must be separated by a space, and the TNC takes action when a car-
riage return
is typed. All command entries may be abbreviated to the shortest unique string.
In the command list which follows, those required entries are denoted by capital letters.
You can examine the value of any parameter by typing the command name followed by a
. A
special command,
, allows you to see the values of all parameters or groups of related pa-
Once you go into Packet Converse Mode or WEFAX Mode a
(see COMMAND) needs to be en-
tered to return you to the Command Mode. In the Packet Transparent Mode a special sequence is
needed (see CMDTIME). In the
there are other modes from which you need to enter a
followed by the letter
to return to Command Mode.