The Task Bar
The operator environment navigation bar allows the user to navigate between:
EntraPass Workstation
HDVR client
Web browser
The Config button can be enabled via the Taskbar properties.
The following are among the displayed items on the navigation bar:
Current date / time
System up time
Alert notification
Network status
The POWER button on the top left corner of the window allows the user to log out of Windows. You have the
flexibilitiy to dock the navigation bar either at the top or bottom of the screen. The navigation bar can be
enabled in auto-hide mode. It allows showing (default) or hiding the gadget bar.
The navigation bar cannot be resized.
The Gadget Bar
The gadget bar allows the user to display the following:
Application versions (EntraPass, video)
Kantech and AD services status
DMS (Device Monitoring Status) status
CPU and memory usage
Network status