Using properly
Alwa ys unplug when the instrument not in use.
Failure to do so ma y cause an electri c shock, an fire or ci rcui t da mage.
Using properly
Remove the ba tteries when s tori ng the instrument for a l ong period. Do not lea ve
the exhaused batteries in the ba ttery compa rement and exchange the ba ttereis on
Failure to do so ma y cause the batteries leakage and the ins trument dama ge.
Using properly
Ma tching the correct AC adapter outwa rd as reqes ted.
or ma y ca use the ins trument dama ge.
Do not wipe the ins trument wi th a vola tile sol vent.
the body ma y deform or deteri ora te. Use a soft dry cl oth to remove stains . If stains
persist, soak the cloth in a neutral detergent a nd wipe the i nstrument with the soft
cloth. Never use vola tile sol vents such as thinner or benzene
Do not use or lea ve the ins trument in a high
temperature, high humidi ty or dus ty envi ronment. Do
not lea ve the instrument under di rect sunlight.
otherwise, the instrument ma y not function properl y
out of the speci fied opera ting condi tions or the inside
components damaged
Never dropping the uni t or pla cing hea vy objects on i t
It ma y cause damage or malfunction to the ins trument