4 Cabling
Typically unshielded twisted pair cable up to approx. 1.5 mm
is used. The cabling topology is typically star or bus or a
combination of both. The connection in M-Bus is independent of polarity and no termination resistance at the end of the
cabling is needed.
If a cable type with shield is used, it is important that the two M-Bus conductors are not connected to ground or shield.
No precise indication as to maximum cable length in an M-Bus network can be given as it depends on various parameters.
The two most important parameters to consider when selecting cable for an M-Bus installation are cable resistance
and cable capacity. Generally speaking the resistance limits the number of M-Bus slaves, and the capacity limits the
communication speed.
Furthermore, we recommend keeping a certain distance between M-Bus cables and other cables in order to minimize noise
from high-power electric machinery.
4.1 Special features of M-Bus Master MultiPort 250L
M-Bus Master MultiPort 250L has been designed with the newest cable driver technology, and is, therefore, rather
insensitive to the capacity of the M-Bus network.
Thus, designing an M-Bus network to be used together with M-Bus Master MultiPort 250L the limiting factor as to possible
cable length will primarily be the cable resistance in the network.
4.2 Electrical conditions in an M-Bus network
According to EN 13757-2, the maximum output voltage from an M-Bus Master must not exceed 42 V. The output voltage
from M-Bus Master MultiPort 250L is 41 V.
If the voltage measured over terminals 24-25 is 24 V or more at the most distant meter, there is a high degree of
certainty that all meters can be read
If the voltage is between 20 and 24 V, it will probably be possible to read all meters
If the voltage is between 18 and 20 V, the meter may be read
If the voltage is below 18 V it is most likely that the meter cannot be read
There must be no communication on the M-Bus network when the above measurement is made.