3.7 M-Bus Repeater Input
Kamstrup M-Bus Master MultiPort 250L can be used as both master and repeater.
Used as master, up to 250 meters can be connected in an M-Bus system.
The Repeater function makes it possible to extend the size of the M-Bus network both as to number of meters and total
cable length. If one master and four repeaters are installed in a network, the total cable length can be extended to approx.
14 km, and up to 1250 meters can be connected.
The master is configured as repeater by placing the jumper on the connector marked Repeater. Using an M-Bus Master
MultiPort 250L as a repeater the M-Bus network in front of the repeater is connected to ”M-Bus Repeater In” on terminals 53
and 54. The following meters are connected to M-Bus Out on terminals 24 and 25.
Position of master/repeater jumper
Setting as master or repeater