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oPeratING yoUr KambrooK 

StaINLeSS SteeL 1.5L KettLe

before fIrSt USe

Remove any packaging material and 

promotional labels before using the kettle for 

the first time. 
It is recommended that before the first use to 

fill the kettle to the maximum level with cold 

tap water, bring to the boil and then discard 

the water. (TIP: add a few slices of lemon for a 

fresher scent). Your kettle will only operate 

when positioned on the power base with the 

On/OFF switch in the On position. The 

kettle will automatically switch off once the 

water is boiled.

oPeratIoN of yoUr KettLe

1. To fill the kettle with water, remove it from  

  the power base and open the lid by pressing  

  the lid release button on top of the handle.  

  The lid will automatically open. Fill with the  

  desired amount of water. Do not operate  

  the kettle without water. Always fill the  

  kettle between the minimum and maximum  

  marks on the water window. Too little water  

  will result in the kettle switching off.
2. Ensure that the lid is closed and locked firmly  

  into position before placing the kettle on the  

  power base. 
3. Place the kettle firmly onto the power base.  

  Plug the cord into a 230/240v power outlet  

  and switch on. 
4. Press the On/OFF switch down to the  

  ‘On’ position. The water level window will  

5. The kettle will automatically switch off once  

  the water has boiled. Lift the kettle from  

  the power base and pour the water. Take  

  care to hold the kettle level, especially when  

  filled to the maximum level. To re-boil it may  

  be necessary to wait for a few seconds to  

  allow the control to reset. 
The kettle should be stored on its power base 

when not in use. The power outlet should be 

switched off and the power cord unplugged 

from the power outlet when not in use.
NoTe: Never operate the kettle dry - too little 

water will result in the kettle switching off.
Do not overfill the kettle - filling above the 

maximum mark on the water window may 

result in boiling water splashing from the 

NoTe: This kettle must only be used with the 

power base supplied. Use caution when pouring 

water from your kettle as boiling water will scald. 

Do not pour water too quickly. 
NoTe: Do not remove the kettle from the power 

base during operation. ensure the kettle has 

switched to ‘oFF’ position after the water has 

boiled before removing the kettle from the power 


WARnInG: This appliance is designed 

for the boiling of drinking quality water only. 

never use it to heat or boil any other liquids 

or foodstuff. The lid should always be firmly in 

place when using.

WARnInG: Do not release the lid while 

the water is boiling. Ensure the lid is closed 

whilst boiling.

Safety boIL Dry ProteCtIoN

The kettle is fitted with a safety device, which 

protects against overheating should your 

appliance be operated with insufficient water. 

If this occurs the kettle will stop heating and 

automatically switch off. 
Should this occur, switch off at the power 

outlet and unplug. Allow kettle to cool before 

refilling. When the kettle has cooled down, the 

safety device will automatically reset when the 

kettle has cooled down.


Always switch appliance off, then switch off 

at the power outlet and then unplug before 

cleaning the appliance.

CLeaNING the KettLe exterIor 

The outside stainless steel surface of the kettle 

may be wiped over with a damp cloth and 

polished with a soft, clean dry cloth.
NoTe: Do not use chemicals, steel wool, or 

abrasive cleaners to clean the outside of the kettle.







CLeaNING the removabLe fILter

The Kambrook Stainless Steel 1.5L Kettle 

features a removable mesh filter to filter out 

scale deposits for cleaner water. To remove 

the scale deposits, remove the filter by opening 

the lid of the kettle. Pull the filter firmly to 


The filter can be cleaned by running under hot 

water and rubbing with a soft cleaning cloth 

or brush. To replace the filter, simply press 

the filter down firmly into the slot behind the 

spout of the kettle. 
TIP: The filter could become damaged with 

time, please check regularly and replace if found 


mINeraL DePoSItS aND 


Due to the large surface area of the concealed 

element interior base, discolouration due to 

mineral deposits from tap water may appear 

more obvious by leaving a brown stain on the 

To remove the discolouration, follow the 

instructions “Removing mineral deposits”.

removING mINeraL DePoSItS

Mineral deposits in tap water may cause the 

kettle interior and water window to discolour 

over time. This may be removed by using a 

proprietary kettle descaler which is available 

from most leading supermarkets, department 

stores and hardware stores.  


1. Fill the kettle until ²/³ full with 1 part vinegar  

  (or a few slices of lemon) and 2 parts water, 

  bring to the boil and allow to stand   

2. Empty the solution from the kettle. Fill  

  the kettle with clean water, bring to boil and  

  discard the water. Repeat and the kettle will  

  be ready for use. 

WARnInG: never immerse the kettle 

base, switch area, power base, power supply 

cord or power plug in water, or allow moisture 

to come into contact with these parts. 


Ensure the kettle is switched off, cleaned and 

dried before storing. Ensure that the lid is 

closed and locked firmly into place.
Wrap the power cord around the cord 

storage under the power base. Stand the 

kettle upright on the power base. Do not 

store anything on top.

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