Connection to the flue pipe
The flue pipe must have internal dimensions not larger
than 20x20 cm, or diameter 20 cm. In the event of larger
dimensions, or of the flue pipe being in poor condition ( for
example cracks, poor insulation, etc.), it is advisable to fit
a stainless steel pipe of suitable diameter inside the flue
pipe throughout its length, right up to the top.
Check with suitable instruments that there is a draught
between 5 Pa and 10 Pa. This type of connection ensures
the evacuation of the fumes even in the event of a
temporary power cut.
At the bottom of the flue pipe, provide an inspection cap
to allow periodic checking and cleaning, which must be
done annually. Make a gas-tight connection to the flue
pipe, using pipes and connectors as recommended by us.
You must ensure that a windproof cowl should be fitted
which complies with the standards in force
Connection to an external flue with insulated or
double-wall pipe
The only type of pipe which is permissible is insulated
(double-walled) stainless steel, smooth on the inside,
fixed to the wall. Flexible stainless steel pipe must not be
used. At the bottom of the flue pipe, provide an inspection
cap to allow periodic checking and cleaning, which must
be done annually. Make a gas-tight connection to the flue
pipe, using pipes and connectors as recommended by us.
You must ensure that a windproof cowl should be fitted
which complies with the standards in force.
Check with suitable instruments that there is a draught
between 5 Pa and 10 Pa.
Connection to the flue pipe
For proper functioning, the connecting pipe between the
stove and the chimney or flue duct must have a slope of
not less than 3% in the horizontal stretches, the length of
which must not exceed 2 metres and the vertical distance
between one tee connector and another (change of
direction) must not be less than 1,5 m.
Check with suitable instruments that there is a draught
between 5 Pa and 10 Pa. At the botton of the flue pipe,
provide an inspection cap to allow periodic checking and
cleaning, which must be done annually.
Make a gas-tight connection to the flue pipe, using pipes
and connectors as recommended by us. You must ensure
that a windproof cowl should be fitted which complies
with the standards in force.
Fig. 3: connection to an
external flue with insulated
or double-wall pipe.
Fig. 2: connection to the
flue pipe.