Troubleshooting HDMI Connections
If Strato is connected to a display using high quality cables that satisfy the
specification given earlier in this document, and if all components support HDMI
2.0 and HDCP 2.2, problems should be rare. However, if they do occur, here
are some things you can try.
Check Connections
Some display devices and A/V components do not support HDMI 2.0 and HDCP
2.2 on every port. Ensure that you are using an HDMI port that supports both
HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.2.
Check Device Settings
Some display devices modify their HDMI behavior based upon user settings.
For example, some Samsung displays have an “HDMI UHD Color” setting that
must be enabled before the display will accept an 18 Gbps signal, and some
Sony displays have a similar “Enhanced Mode” setting.
Check Device Software/Firmware
4K Ultra HD – especially at at 18 Gbps data rates – is a new and demanding
format. Some displays, audio processors, or other components may need
software or firmware updates to handle it properly. Check with manufacturers
to ensure that the software in all of your components is up to date.
Check HDMI Capabilities
Use the HDMI Capabilities Tool described in the previous section. Verify that
the “Supported 4K Ultra HD Modes” and the “Supported HDMI Features” match
the published specifications of your display device. If they do not, the display
may be incorrectly reporting its capabilities, or an intermediate device (audio
processor, active HDMI cable, etc.) may not match the capabilities of your
display. Double check the intermediate devices. You can also consider using
the Advanced Video Settings (described below) to override some features.
Check HDCP Status
If the onscreen display works properly, but you get video dropouts or no picture
at all when playing a movie, the problem may be related to HDCP copy
protection. The onscreen display does not require HDCP, but movie playback
does. The HDMI Capabilities Tool should give you an indication of HDCP status
during movie playback (click Refresh if necessary).
Try Alternate Cables
Problems with signal integrity, such as signal loss in a long cable, may also
affect Strato’s ability to detect display capabilities and achieve an HDCP
connection with the display. Try connecting Strato to the display using a
different cable, or try temporarily relocating Strato and using a shorter cable
that meets the requirements in this document to see if the problem goes away.