-After switch on the power, power indicator light will be Orange. Digital display is without displaying, the
refrigerator is standing by.
button three seconds continually.
Digital display will show the current interior temperature. Power light will turn to Yellow, the refrigerator
start working.
Please place the refrigerator in good condition of ventilating, and check for making sure that the
heat dissipation outlet is not blocked.
4. Setting the temperature
button once, start setting temperature status.
to set temperature from -7 to 50
button once again, start exchange status for centigrade (
degree and Fahrenheit degree
to exchange centigrade degree and Fahrenheit degree.
The cooling temperature appears in the display for a few seconds. The display flashes several times and
then the interior temperature is displayed again.
Temperature range of the Display is -30-60
(-22 to 140°F)
If the ambient temperature is above +32°C (+90 °F), the minimum temperature cannot be attained.
hould be used combining with
button. Without pressing
are useless.
The set-up parameters are still effective when the refrigerator is energized again; it means that the
refrigerator has memory function.
When the refrigerator’s interior temperature reaches the setting temperature, compressor stop
work. Power indicator light turn to orange color. In switch on status, the color of power indicator light
shows the compressor status, green indicates working, orange indicates stopping.
5. Battery protector setting