PaGE 16
KrP PrEP taBlEs
8. MaIntEnancE ProcEDurEs
8c - clEanInG: Pan cHIllEr
WarnInG: DIsconnEct ElEctrIcal PoWEr suPPlY BEForE clEanInG anY
Parts on tHE unIt.
Do not HosE DoWn or Pour WatEr or lIQuID clEanErs In tHE Pan
cHIllEr coMPartMEnt as tHIs coulD causE DaMaGE to tHE Pan cHIllEr
anD rEQuIrE an autHorIzED sErVIcE tEcHnIcIan to rEPaIr. FaIlurE to
FolloW tHIs InstructIon WIll VoID WarrantY.
The drain is provided for condensate runoff during the defrost cycle. Use a soft cloth
or sponge to clean the pan chiller. Always exercise caution to avoid getting the fan
assembly wet.
There are two drains in the pan chiller. Both drains must be cleared/cleaned regularly for
proper operation. Drains should be cleaned a minimum of once a month.
The top drain in the pan chiller compartment is typically located at the right end above the
louvered compressor compartment. A removable screen has been provided to prevent
the drain from clogging. (See Fig.15.) Clear drain of dirt and debris so that condensate
can flow freely. This drain is provided for condensate run off from defrosting of chiller
FIG. 15
Содержание KRP
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