QuickPan Rotator Base
Tripod threaded bushing adapter Mounting camera bracket
The QuickPan III / IV Rotator Bases comes
with a tripod adapter bushing which ac-
commodates both 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch
tri pod mounts.
1/4 inch Tripod
If your tripod has a 1/4 inch threaded
mount, leave the brass bushing in the
center hole in the bot tom of the rotator as
shown at right.
3/8 inch Tripod
If your tripod has 3/8 inch threaded mount,
remove the brass bushing by un screw ing it
in a coun ter clock wise di rec tion and screw-
ing it into the adjacent hole in a clock wise
direction us ing a coin (or large screwdriver)
as shown at right.
Use the spare outer hole to store the brass
bushing when you're using the 3/8 inch thread.
That way, you won't lose the bushing!
To mount your camera bracket
onto the rotator loosen the clamp
lever at the bottom of the camera
bracket. To loosen the clamp lever
grab the lever and turn coun-
terclockwise. The clamp lever is
turned clockwise to tighten and
counterclockwise to loosen. The
lever part of the clamp lever is
spring-loaded and can be reposi-
tioned by pulling outwards against
spring pressure and moved clock-
wise or counterclockwise. Next
position the end of the horizontal
bracket of the rotator and slide it
into the slot at the bottom of the
camera bracket.
Note: There are various images
throughout this manual showing
the mounting confi gurations of the
cmarea brackets on the rotator.