Take care when setting down the machine
Incorrect setting down can damage the machine.
Machine components, particularly the chassis, can be damaged by incorrectly setting down.
➤ Set the machine down carefully.
➤ Do not set down unevenly.
2. Set the machine down slowly and carefully.
12.2.4 Transporting as a load
The means of transporting will determine the type of packing and load securing.
Packing and securing methods must be such that, assuming proper handling, the goods arrive in
perfect condition at the destination.
Consult KAESER Service for advice concerning sea or air transport.
Material Chocks
Restraints or timber balks
Load securing devices
Use chocks, restrainers or timber balks for securing the load.
If necessary, use straps across the chassis and the towbar.
Fig. 51 Load secured by straps
Straps can damage the bodywork.
Movement during transportation can damage the bodywork.
➤ Do not use straps over the bodywork.
➤ Use straps only over the chassis.
2. Always observe valid accident and safety regulations when transporting.
3. The loads must be secured against rolling, tipping, slipping and falling.
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.2 Transporting
Service Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_9432 02 E
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