spec. Set-
Action in this menu/meaning
Rise Outg. grad. & Fall.
Outg. grad.
increasing | decreas-
In addition to configuring the dynamic behaviour using the transient
time corresponding to a first-order filter, the reactive power setting can
be determined by a maximum gradient - this means the maximum
change in the reactive power per time period.
1 – 60000 [% S
Maximum change in the reactive power %S
/min in the event of a
change to over-excited mode
NOTE: The gradient is overlaid with the settling time.
Min. cos-phi Q1 - Min.
cos-phi Q4
In the event of a significant voltage deviation, the maximum reactive
power adjustment range can be limited by a minimum cos ϕ in order to
prevent an excessive reactive power supply and, as a result, a significant
reduction in the maximum active power that can be fed in.
Minimum cos ϕ in over-excited operating mode (in-feed).
Minimum cos ϕ in under-excited operating mode (in-feed).
Minimum cos ϕ in over-excited operating mode (charge).
Minimum cos ϕ in over-excited operating mode (charge).
Priority mode
Q priority | P priority
P priority can be selected as an alternative to the standard setting Q pri-
ority. When it comes to P priority, the reactive power adjustment range
is limited subject to the limited apparent power of the inverter and the
active power that is currently available and fed in.
Active curve
1 – 4
Up to four characteristic curves can be configured independently and
one of them can be activated for regulation each time.
Reset the curve
Reset active curve to the factory setting, depending of the country set-
Number of nodes
2 – 10
Specify the number of nodes for the Q(U) characteristic curve.
1st node … 10th node
0V - Max. voltage in
continuous operation
Voltage of the node in volts.
The voltage values of the nodes must increase continuously. At voltages
below the 1st node and voltages above the last node, the reactive
power value of the 1st or last node is used each time.
1 – 0.3
Reactive power of the node as a percentage of the maximum power
Over-excited | under-
Reactive power mode Under-excited relates to inductive load, over-ex-
cited relates to capacitive load.
Active power regulation
10.2.1 P limit
The function “P limit” is available for limiting the maximum feed-in power. If necessary, this can be used to re-
duce the maximum possible feed of an inverter, e.g. for managing bottlenecks for the operator of the distribu-
tion grid.
P limit is only available via the MODBUS/SunSpec inverter model 123
Immediate Inverter Controls
and via RS485 communication. You can find detailed information on the communication protocol at
in the “Software” subsection of the “Downloads” section.
When a target value is received for P limit, the output power of the inverter is limited to the specified power
value. If the limit value is changed, the new value is adopted by way of a filter and a gradient limitation. The
current power may be below the specified limit value because the available power (PV) or the target power
value (storage) may be below the specified limit value. Depending on the inverter series, the settling time and
gradient limitation may be adjustable.
Specifications | 10
KACO blueplanet 3.0 TL3 KACO blueplanet 4.0 TL3 KACO blueplanet 5.0 TL3 KACO blueplanet 6.5 TL3 KACO
blueplanet 7.5 TL3 KACO blueplanet 8.6 TL3 KACO blueplanet 9.0 TL3 KACO blueplanet 10.0 TL3
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