Be sure to read these instructions.
This helmet is designed for bicycle use only. Never use the helmet for purposes or
activities other than bicycle riding.
The helmet should be worn in a way that it protects your forehead, with the edge
just above your eyebrows, and never pushed far over the back of your head.
Wear the helmet so it is level from front to back.
No helmet can protect the wearer against all injuries or foreseeable impacts.
Before riding a bicycle, make sure to adjust the helmet so it fits your head correctly.
The strap should be positioned not to cover the ears, the buckle positioned away
from the jawbone, and the strap and buckle adjusted to be both comfortable and
Your helmet is effective as protection only when it is worn properly. You should try
different sizes to choose the size which feels secure and comfortable on your head
at time of purchase.
Please handle the helmet with care. The helmet is designed to absorb shock by
partial destruction of the liner and its damage may not be visible. DO NOT sit on it,
drop it on the floor or otherwise cause impact.
If subjected to a severe impact, the helmet should be discarded and destroyed.
Wipe the helmet with common ph-neutral detergent diluted with clear water.
Never use any petroleum, thinner, benzine, hot water above 50°C or saline water.
Do not leave the helmet in the direct sunlight or where the temperature may
surpass 50°C, e.g. in a car or near a heater.
Doing so will affect the materials and the performance of the helmet will diminish.
Do not paint the helmet. Paints may reduce the original protective performance of
the helmet considerably.
Do not modify the helmet. In order to fully maintain the performance of the helmet,
do not attempt to take it apart or change it in any manner that involves making
holes in it or cutting it (or any of its parts) other than as recommended by the
This helmet should not be used by children while climbing or doing other activities
when there is a risk of strangulation/hanging if the child gets trapped with the helmet.
Products of
TEL:+81-6-6748-7806 FAX:+81-6-6747-8023
Содержание AERO-K1
Страница 1: ...AERO K1 AERO K1 577 0016 6 3 4 TEL 06 6747 8031 FAX 06 6747 8023 KABUTO No JAERO K1 12JL KIZHK...
Страница 2: ...AERO K1 AERO K1 2011 05...
Страница 3: ...MOFF MOFF MOFF 35 MOFF MOFF...
Страница 4: ...1 2 XF 1 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Страница 5: ...1 2...
Страница 6: ...XF 1 3 XF 1...
Страница 7: ...XF 1...
Страница 8: ...4 5 5 6 6 4 5 1 1...
Страница 9: ...6 L R 2 7 2 5mm 10mm 2...
Страница 10: ...AERO K1 8 AERO K1 5mm 10mm...
Страница 11: ...TEL...