Pass a programming key card over the Q90 RFID reader. The green light will stay illuminated for 30 seconds. This will
indicate the lock is ready to be programmed. After programming, present the emergency keycard. The mechanism will
Lock Communication
Electronic Function Description
Green LED illuminates for
Time and date not set, use the Q90 RFID LPI probe to reset.
30 seconds
This will be done during programming or using the FDU to reset the time
Red LED flashes 12 times
Dead bolt is thrown or switch cam is not properly aligned
No light
Keycard not allowed OR keycard cancelled by new keycard
Red and green LEDs flash
Low battery (contact the ILCO service department).
8 times use staff
Must alternately or emergency keycard to see this feedback
Yellow and red LEDs flash
Bad keycard read or corrupted data (may require new keycard)
2 times simultaneously
No visual feedback
Testing Lock Functionality