In this e 4.xample 4., the 4. lock will now re 4.main locke 4.d for 30 se 4.conds afte 4.r thre 4.e 4.
wrong Acce 4.ss Code 4.s have 4. be 4.e 4.n e 4.nte 4.re 4.d . No code 4.s, e 4.ve 4.n valid one 4.s or the 4.
Maste 4.r Code 4., will work in the 4. lock until that time 4. pe 4.riod has e 4.lapse 4.d . Only the 4.
me 4.chanical ove 4.rride 4. ke 4.y will ope 4.n the 4. lock during the 4. tampe 4.r shutdown .
You might want to adjust the 4. volume 4. of the 4. Ke 4.ypad Buzze 4.r de 4.pe 4.nding on whe 4.re 4.
the 4. lock is locate 4.d - a noisy or quie 4.t are 4.a .
Required User Level: Master, Manager
1 . Put the 4. lock into Pushbutton Programming Mode 4. .
2 . Ente 4.r the 4. code 4.
(whe 4.re 4. VV is a scale 4. of volume 4. from
00 to 03; 00 = off; 01 = Low; 02 = Normal; 03 = High) .
3 . Example 4. of Comple 4.te 4. Entry:
4 . Ente 4.r anothe 4.r
to indicate 4. the 4. e 4.nd of programming .
5 . The 4. lock will now sound the 4. buzze 4.r at the 4. de 4.sire 4.d volume 4. Normal, until
you change 4. it .
1 . Maste 4.r and Manage 4.r Code 4.s can do two diffe 4.re 4.nt things:
• Ope 4.n the 4. door by e 4.nte 4.ring the 4. Acce 4.ss Code 4. without
signs .
• Put the 4. lock into Pushbutton Programming Mode 4. by e 4.nte 4.ring
be 4.fore 4.
and afte 4.r the 4.ir Acce 4.ss Code 4. .
2 . Each use 4.r (Manage 4.r Use 4.r, Se 4.rvice 4. Use 4.r or Acce 4.ss Use 4.r) occupie 4.s one 4. of
the 4. available 4. 300 locations in the 4. use 4.r table 4. .
3 . By de 4.fault, use 4.r 000 is the 4. Maste 4.r Use 4.r .
4 . The 4. M-Unit Use 4.r is outside 4. of the 4. use 4.r table 4. (only applicable 4. with “E-Ple 4.x
Standard” PC software 4. use 4.) .
5 . Use 4.rs have 4. a 15-se 4.cond pe 4.riod to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. e 4.ntire 4. ke 4.y se 4.que 4.nce 4., and 5
se 4.conds be 4.twe 4.e 4.n pre 4.ssing e 4.ach pushbutton numbe 4.r . If the 4.y pause 4. longe 4.r
than 5 se 4.conds be 4.twe 4.e 4.n e 4.ach pushbutton pre 4.sse 4.d, or e 4.xce 4.e 4.d the 4. 15-se 4.c-
ond pe 4.riod to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. total se 4.que 4.nce 4., the 4. lock:
• aborts the 4. curre 4.nt programming se 4.que 4.nce 4.
• automatically e 4.xits the 4. programming state 4.
• se 4.nds the 4. use 4.r a ‘Ke 4.ypad Time 4.out’ fe 4.e 4.dback me 4.ssage 4.
Correct errors during a command sequence .
If an invalid e 4.ntry
occurs, re 4.cove 4.r from the 4. mistake 4. by e 4.nte 4.ring the 4. (
) ke 4.y, which will cle 4.ar all
e 4.ntrie 4.s made 4. from the 4. be 4.ginning of the 4. curre 4.nt command se 4.que 4.nce 4., and will
re 4.se 4.t the 4. 15-se 4.cond time 4. limit for e 4.nte 4.ring the 4. code 4. . In this case 4., you still
have 4. 15 se 4.conds from the 4. first numbe 4.r e 4.nte 4.re 4.d to e 4.nte 4.r the 4. whole 4. code 4. .
Содержание E-Plex 50 Series
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