Morse Code Practice Oscillator
CPO Datasheet – A.3
CPO Assembly Instructions
Figure 2 shows the CPO board as shipped, note that the Mini USB connector is pre-
attached. The board is ready to build, please don’t clean it with solvent or an abrasive
pad. Be sure to use a good rosin core solder, avoid solder with acid or organic core.
Figure 2 – Board as shipped from K1EL
Start assembly with the resistors, their color codes are presented in the parts list but feel
free to verify them with an ohmmeter, the color bands on 1/8 watt resistors can be difficult to
read. Use Figure 4 on page 6 as a guide. As with all components to follow, insert the
component leads into the board and make sure the part is fully flush with the board. Then
bend the leads to hold the part in place before soldering. Neatly trim the leads.
Using a resistor lead scrap, install a wire jumper at location R7. Leave R6 unpopulated.
Insert and solder the two 8 pin DIP sockets at locations U1 and U2.
Now add the following capacitors:
C1,C3,C4,C14 > .01uF C5,C8,C13 > .0047uF C2,C7,C16,C15 > .1uF C12 >.047uF