Morse Code Practice Oscillator
CPO Datasheet – A.3
The CPO design has a provision for an on/off switch. It would be wired between PCB pads
S1 and S2. Since the kit does not include a switch, S1 and S2 must be connected together
with a resistor lead scrap as shown in figure 11 below. If desired, you can remove the
jumper and add a switch later. Note that you would have to put a hole in the enclosure to
add a power switch.
Figure 11 – DON’T FORGET TO JUMPER S1 to S2
Install the two 8 pin DIP ICs. The PIC12F1501 goes into position U1 and the LM386
goes into position U2. Please check to be sure you have pin 1 of the ICs in so that they
are next to the number 1 on the silkscreen. Pin one is indicated by a small round dimple
on the IC. The red arrows below point to pin 1 on each IC.
Figure 12 – U1 and U2 Pin 1 orientation
This concludes the assembly of the CPO board. With the exception of R6 should be no
missing parts. Be sure that all parts have been soldered without missing solder
connections or solder shorts.