Page 31
Bass roll off EQ
Here the intensity of the low frequency level
can be lowered in steps of 2 dB up to -10 dB
without changing the lower cut off frequency:
High EQ
The high EQ will have influence on the level
at higher frequencies, the adjustment ranges
from +1 dB to -4 dB:
Lifting the lower cut off frequency is
recommendable in case there is a strong
room mode, so cutting off the system below
that frequency will cure that problem. It will
also serve to simulate the sound of a smaller
monitor system.
Fig. 5.1/2: Bass EQ - funktion, plotted from 0...-
10 dB (in steps of -2 dB each)
Fig. 5.1/3: The Mid EQ – funktion, plotted from
0...-5 dB (in steps of -1 dB)
Fig. 5.1/4: The High EQ – funktion, plotted from
+1...-4 dB (in steps of 1 dB)
Lowering the level in the bass frequency
range will allow for a perfect match when the
monitor is close to a wall or in a corner, as
these locations always will lead to increase
LF intensityies.
Mid EQ
With this funktion the level of the mid
frequencies can be reduced in 1 dB-steps up
to a max. of -5 dB:
Increasing the high level gain may have some
positive results in studios, where a dry
acoustic or high absorption of high
frequencies may occur.
Here we do not have the typical interferences
as in the low and midrange, but a highly
reduced diffuse sound field which can be