3 System Management & Configuration
The PXIe-62780 chassis provides advanced system monitoring and control. Chassis
conditions, including internal temperature, fan speed, and DC voltage can all be monitored
on the system controller or remote PC.
The PXIe-62780 provides software configurable trigger bus bridges, whereby the user can
set the status of each trigger bus line as shown in Figure 1-13. The PXIe-62780 backplane
can also be configured between 4-link x 4 lanes or 2-link x 8 lanes by the configurable PCIe
switch fabric.
Communication with the chassis monitoring control unit is available using an embedded
controller, such as the JYTEK PXIe-63975, to access the SMBus located on the system slot
(1st slot), or, alternatively, using a remote PC to communicate via the RS232 serial port
(D-SUB9 connector on the rear panel).
Please note that the RS-232 serial port can only monitor chassis status, but does not provide
the capability to change the trigger bus bridges and PCIe switch fabric settings. Function
comparison between the SMBus interface and RS-232 serial port is as follows.
RS-232 Serial Port
Chassis status monitoring
Alarm threshold setting
Trigger Bus setting
PXIe link setting
Table 3-1: Supported Function Comparison Between SMBus Interface and RS-232 Serial
3�1 Installing the Monitor Utility
Download JYTEK PXI Platform Services driver from http://www.jytek.com
To install the monitoring utility:
1. Open PXI Platform Services drive folder which downloads from JYTEK website.
2. Double-click the JYTEK PXI Platform Services Setup.exe file to begin installation.
The PXIe-62780 Chassis Remote Monitoring utility is only compatible with JYTEK PXI
Express controllers such as the PXIe-63975. 3rd party embedded controllers require
dedicate programming to enable system monitoring, as listed in the PXIe-62780
Function Library Reference documentation, or use of a remote PC to monitor the
PXIe-62780 via RS-232 serial port.