3�8 Physical Location of the PXI and PCI Digitizer
3�8�1 Identify PXI Digitizer’s Physical Location by Geographic Address
Compact PCI and PXI chassis accommodate slot numbering mechanism based on the
definition of Geographical Address pins on its backplane. Users can identify module’s
physical location by reading back Geographical Address. This is a useful feature especially
when multiple modules are installed in one host system. The PXI-69816/26/46 can read
back the Geographical Address through software driver. Please refer to software function
reference manual for more detail description.
3.8.2 Assign a Board ID to a PCI Digitizer
When users plug two or more PCI-69816/26/46 modules in one computer, board ID provides
an effective mechanism for user to identity the specific module. With this method, users
can access to specific module in accordance with board ID. The dip switch of board ID is
located on the top of the module. Please refer to following figure and table for detail setting.
Please note that users have to assign a unique board ID to each module that are installed
in the same computer, otherwise software driver will not allocate correct system resource
to these modules. Once users assign identical board ID to different module, please turn off
your computer first and then adjust the board ID again. After correct board ID is assigned,
then users can power up computer again.
Figure 3-25: The Location of Board ID Switch