Shenzhen Just Motion Control Electro-mechanics Co., Ltd 0755-26509689
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1. Overview
.......................................................................................... - 4 -
2. Features
........................................................................................... - 4 -
3. Ports Introduction
.......................................................................... - 5 -
3.1 ALM signal output ports ........................................................ - 5 -
3.2 Control Signal Input Ports ..................................................... - 6 -
3.3 Power Interface Ports............................................................. - 7 -
4. Technological Index
........................................................................ - 8 -
5. Connections to Control Signal
....................................................... - 9 -
5.1 Connections to Common Anode ............................................ - 9 -
5.2 Connections to Common Cathode ....................................... - 10 -
5.3 Connections to Differential Signal ...................................... - 11 -
5.4 Connections to 232 Serial Communication Interface .......... - 12 -
5.5 Sequence Chart of Control Signals ...................................... - 12 -
6. DIP Switch Setting
........................................................................ - 13 -
6.1 Activate Edge Setting .......................................................... - 13 -
6.2 Running Direction Setting ................................................... - 14 -
6.3 Micro steps Setting .............................................................. - 14 -
7. Faults alarm and LED flicker frequency
.................................... - 15 -
8. Appearance and Installation Dimensions
................................... - 17 -
9. Typical Connection
....................................................................... - 17 -
10. Parameter Setting
....................................................................... - 19 -
11. Processing Methods to Common Problems and Faults
........... - 24 -
11.1 Power on power light off ................................................... - 24 -
11.2 Power on red alarm light on............................................... - 24 -
11.3 After input pulse signal but the motor not running ............ - 24 -