0845 1204582
JK part numbers:
J13641 and J13642
OEM part number:
Not applicable
Just Kampers, Unit 1 Stapeley Manor, Long Lane, Odiham, Hants. RG29 1JE
NB. Please note that whilst every attempt is made to ensure that these instructions are as
accurate and clear as possible, we cannot be held responsible for misinterpretation of these
instructions or for any subsequent accident or damage caused through mis-fitted parts.
Tech Sheet
Spot Colour Pantone 653
Spot Colour P653/P151
Spot Colour White out
4 Colour Blue
4 Colour White out
4 Colour Blue/Orange
Spot Colours
Process Colours
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Quick user guide
Keep all doors zipped shut when pegging out the awning and guy ropes.
Ensure all guy ropes and pegging points are used and that the awning is
correctly adjusted and the material taut.
Do NOT touch the inside of the awning material when wet. As the oil on your
skin will affect the waterproofing.
In windy conditions, check and adjust guy ropes and pegging regularly.
Do NOT pack awning material away wet, as this will cause mildew to form.
If you do have to pack a damp awning, hang it up and air as soon as possible.