2. Lower looper thread, red markings
Place the spool on the spool holder pin as illustrated.
(1) Bring the thread up from the spool and lay it from the
back to the front into the guide (right one).
(2) Take the thread with both hands and lay it in the
groove. Press the thread down into the 1st guide on
the machine until it clicks into place.
(3) Slip the thread through the groove.
(4,5,6) Thread the guides.
(7) Press the lever of the auto threader down.
(8,9) Thread the guide and then the slit on the threader.
Push the auto threader lever up to return it to its
normal position.
(10) Thread the lower looper eye and place the thread un-
derneath the presser foot.
If the lower looper has to be re-threaded, cut both needle
threads off at the needle and remove surplus thread from
below. Thread the lower looper and then re-thread the