– 86 –
Setting range
Edit unit
Needle stop position is set.
UP poston
Upper dead pont
Thread trimming can be prohibited.
Thread trmmng
Route of return to origin by return to origin button can be selected.
Lnear return
Reverse return of
Orgn retreval
Sewng start pont
Bobbin winding speed can be set.
800 to 2000
100 st/mn
Motion method of wiper can be selected.
Magnet typewper
Unit of sewing shape size change can be selected.
Actual sze nput
Thread tension output time when setting
thread tension can be set.
0 to 20
Bend position of thread clamp is selected.
0 : S type
1 : H type thn thread (#50 to #8)
2 : H type ntermedate
3 : H type thck thread (#5 to #2)
Thread clamp and thread clamp position selection
Front poston
Rear poston
Thread breakage detection selection
Thread breakage
detecton nvald
Thread breakage
detecton vald
Number of invalid stitches at the start
of sewing of thread breakage detection
0 to 15
1 sttch
Number of invalid stitches during sewing
of thread breakage detection
0 to 15
1 sttch