Design of Backwash water connection
Design of Backwash water
Before starting up (initial putting into service
or start-up after maintenance work), fill the
Backwash Protective Filter with water and
For cleaning the filter the handwheel is un-
twisted to the left as far as it will go and
closed to the right afterwards, till no more
rinse water water flows out. Rough impuri-
ties can be removed by opening the sludge
trap ball valve that is built in before the
backwash ball valves. According to DIN
standard 1988 it is recommended to back-
wash the filter approximately every 2
months. Depending on the water flow as
well as on the kind of coarse-grained and
fine-grained impurities and the extent to
which these are existing in the water, a
backwashing can be necessary within
shorter time intervals. The backwashing
takes place at full water line pressure. At
pressures higher than 30 psi (200 kPa), it is
necessary that the backwash stream is
throttled by means of the backwash ball
valve. Doing this it is prevented, that the
sieve cloth is damaged by a too strong pres-
suring of the suction tube. At the same time
the rinse water consumption is reduced.
With a flush valve opened to one hundred
percent and a pressure between 30 psi
(200 kPa) and 44 psi (300 kPa) the back-
wash volume current amounts to approx.
0.5 litres/per second concerning the filter
unit JPF 2½" (DN 65), and to approx. 1 liter/
per second concerning the filter units JPF 3"
(DN 80) - 3" (DN100).
External Cleaning
Domestic all-purpose cleaners and glass
cleaners can contain up to 25% solvents or
alcohol (spirits).
These kinds of cleaners must therefore
not be used.
Customer Service
We wish you anytime a trouble-free operation.
Warranty and Services
In order to comply with the legal warranty
claim, according to DIN 1988, Part 8, it is
necessary that the "… backwashing takes
place at least every 2 months, after opera-
ting conditions exist … ".
Regular servicing is indispensable in order
to continue to achieve a successful treat-
ment for many years after the unit is put into
service. In the building services sector this is
covered by DIN 1988, Part 8.
A servicing agreement is the best way to
ensure a good operating function beyond
the warranty period.
Wherever possible, the regular servicing
work and supply with consumables and
wearing materials, etc. should be carried out
by the specialist trade or the factory’s
customer service department.