If the Venom doesn’t fly straight, it may need trimming.
Follow the instructions below to trim your Venom, and make it easier to control.
The right stick moves the Venom left/right
in plenty of space, hold the right stick
forward and press the roll button.
The Venom will do a forward roll.
in plenty of space, hold the right stick
back and press the roll button. The Venom
will do a backward roll.
in plenty of space, hold the right stick left
and press the roll button. The Venom will
roll to the left.
left roll
in plenty of space, hold the right stick right
and press the roll button. The Venom will
roll to the right.
Right roll
if the Venom is rotating counter-clockwise, it needs to
be trimmed. To do this, move the rotation trim switch to
the right until the rotation stops.
if the Venom is rotating clockwise, it needs to be
trimmed. To do this, move the rotation trim switch to
the left until the rotation stops.
if the Venom is always moving to the left, it needs to be
trimmed. To do this, move the left/right trim switch to
the right until the movement stops.
if the Venom is always moving to the right, it needs to
be trimmed. To do this, move the left/right trim switch
to the left until the movement stops.
if the Venom is always moving forwards, it needs to
be trimmed. To do this, move the forward/back trim
switch backwards until the movement stops.
if the Venom is always moving backwards, it needs to
be trimmed. To do this, move the forward/back trim
switch forwards until the movement stops.
When the Venom is close to the ground, the wind from its own rotors can cause it to
become unstable. Flying the Venom higher off the ground will allow it to fly more smoothly.