003-001 PowerAssist Installation
Page 20 of 24
Rev. 0–27APR07
Loosen the central cam stack clamping screw (1/2 turn).
Locate the adjusting screw for the desired limit by referring to the numbers adjacent to the
adjusting screws. Note that the lowest switch in the cam stack (down overtravel) is switch
1, the next switch (down limit) is switch 2, the next switch (up limit) is switch 3, and the
highest switch in the stack (up overtravel) is switch 4.
Rotate the adjusting screw to adjust the limit cam lob to a position where the selected limit
switch is just actuated (audible click).
Once the limit cam is at the proper place, tighten the cam stack clamping screw.
Test Limit
Drive winch away from limit until limit is cleared (use overtravel bypass switch to move
winch off overtravel limit).
Drive winch toward limit until limit stops motion.
Assess stopping position (measurement vs. target)
Drive winch off limit (use overtravel bypass switch to move winch off overtravel limit).
Refine Limit Adjustment
Repeat the Adjust Limit procedure, as detailed above.
Move cam lobe closer to switch to make switch trip sooner (decrease travel distance).
Move cam lobe further from switch to make switch trip later (increase travel distance).
Make sure to tighten cam stack clamping screw after each adjustment!
Retest limit adjustment until winch stops at desired position.
Adjust Remaining Limits
Once overtravel limit is set, set normal limit at same end of travel.
Check to ensure that there is sufficient distance between normal limit and overtravel limit –
if the winch strikes both limits before stopping, increase the distance between the limits by
moving the normal limit to stop the load sooner.
Once all limits are set, check that cam stack clamping screws are tightened, and then
replace the limit switch cover.