The following information covers common problems and suggests solutions.
It is always advisable to read the manual before deciding if you have a problem.
Q Callers cannot hear me and I cannot hear my callers!
A - Check the installation. Check all cords are correctly connected.
- Check the Handset / Headset button (3). Push button in for HANDSET use
and button out for HEADSET operation.
Q Callers voice is low or distorted!
A - Adjust the receive volume control (2) on the amplifier.
- Check and replace your batteries.
Q Callers cannot hear me but I can hear them!
A - Check your microphone is properly positioned.
The ideal position for the microphone is approx 2.5cm (1”) away from your
- Adjust the TRANSMIT volume control (13).
Q My callers tell me I sound unclear or ‘far-away’!
A - Adjust the position of your microphone. The ideal position for the
microphone is approx 2.5cm (1”) away from your mouth.
Q My voice has an echo, or it sounds like I am in a tunnel!
A - Reduce the level of the TRANSMIT volume control (13).