Tyco Security Products
6600 Congress Avenue • Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA
Tele: 561 912 6000 • Fax: 561 912 6097 •
JOHNSON CONTROLS, TYCO and ILLUSTRA are trademarks and/or registered trademarks.
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© 2020 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved.
Please note: The Custom Password will remain set after a firmware upgrade. The Custom Password will be
cleared after a reset.
SD Card Encryption can be disabled at any time by unticking ‘Encrypt entire contents of SD card’. However
any changes to the encryption status will require the SD card to be formatted.
Resetting a camera running firmware Illustra.S004. or later
Please note: SD card encryption is always enabled by default after a camera reset
1. Log in to camera Web Gui and select
on the Web User Interface banner to display the setup
2. Select
from the
3. Select Reset and OK.
4. Wait for Reset process to complete.
5. Log in to camera Web Gui and run through initial setup.
6. Select
SD Card Management
from the
Edge Recording
If SD card Encryption was enabled before reset and the same HostID is used after reset, the SD
card will show as mounted and Encryption will be enabled.
If SD card Encryption was enabled before reset and a different HostID is used, the SD card will
show as unmounted and Encryption will be enabled. SD card will need to be formatted before it
can be mounted by the camera.
If SD card Encryption was disabled before reset, the SD card will show as unmounted and
Encryption will be enabled. SD card will need to be formatted before it can be mounted by the