Series ELO-231 – 11.2 K-factor
Upright and Pendent Sprinklers
Standard Response, Standard Coverage
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Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to
regulatory and health information.
Always refer to Technical Data
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
WARNING” that provides cautions
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com-
ponents. Improper handling and
installation can permanently damage
a sprinkler system or its compo-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.
TYCO Series ELO-231 11.2K Stan-
dard Response, Standard Coverage
Upright and Pendent Sprinklers (Ref.
Figure 1) are automatic sprinklers of
the fusible solder type. They are stan-
dard response, spray sprinklers that
produce a hemispherical water distri-
bution pattern below the deflector.
The 11.2 K-factor, ELO-231 Sprinklers
were subjected to full scale, high-piled
storage, fire tests to qualify their use
in lieu of 5.6 or 8.0 K-factor standard
spray sprinklers for the protection of
high-piled storage.
Higher flow rates can be achieved at
much lower pressures with the 11.2
K-factor, ELO-231 Sprinklers, making
their use highly advantageous in high
density applications, such as the pro-
tection of high-piled storage.
Wax or lead coatings can be used
to extend the life of the copper alloy
components used in Series ELO-231
sprinklers beyond that which would
otherwise be obtained when exposed
to corrosive atmospheres. Although
wax and lead coated sprinklers have
passed the standard corrosion tests of
the applicable approval agencies, the
testing is not representative of all pos-
sible corrosive atmospheres. Conse-
quently, it is recommended that the end
user be consulted with respect to the
suitability of these corrosion resistant
coatings for any given corrosive envi-
ronment. The effects of ambient tem-
perature, concentration of chemicals,
and gas/chemical velocity, should be
considered, as a minimum, along with
the corrosive nature of the chemical to
which the sprinklers will be exposed.
An upright intermediate level version
of the Series ELO-231 Sprinklers for
in-rack applications can be obtained
by utilizing the Series ELO-231 Upright
Sprinkler with the WSG-2 Guard &
Shield, and a pendent intermediate
level version of the Series ELO-231
Sprinklers can be obtained by utilizing
the Series ELO-231 Pendent Sprinkler
with the WS-2 Shield. If there is a pos-
sibility of the pendent intermediate level
version being exposed to mechanical
damage, a G-2 Guard can be added.
The 11.2 K-factor, Series ELO-231
Upright and Pendent Sprinklers
described herein must be installed
and maintained in compliance with this
document, as well as with the applica-
ble standards of the National Fire Pro-
tection Association (NFPA), in addition
to the standards of any other authori-
ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do so
may impair the performance of these
The owner is responsible for main-
taining their fire protection system
and devices in proper operating con-
dition. Contact the installing contrac-
tor or product manufacturer with any
Installation of Series ELO-231 Pendent
Sprinklers in recessed escutcheons will
void all sprinkler warranties, as well as
possibly void the sprinkler’s Approvals
and/or Listings.
Numbers (SINs)
Refer to Table A for sprinkler identifica-
tion numbers.
UL and C-UL Listed
FM Approved
NYC Approved
Refer to Table C for specific details
on laboratory listings and approvals,
including corrosion-resistant status.
The approvals apply to the service con-
ditions indicated in the Design Criteria
Refer to Table C
Physical Characteristics
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bronze
Seal Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copper
Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bronze
Strut Assembly . .Solder, Bronze Stainless Steel
Compression Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bronze
Deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bronze
Helper Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel
Ejector Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nickel
Strut Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel
Additional Technical Data
Refer to Table A for additional techni-
cal data.