Main Menu Buttons -
Screensaver Preview
Change Image After...
15, 30 seconds - 1, 5, or 10 minutes
Home Screen Info - OFF
Shows the mode, setpoints, and temperature after
every 10 photos. Off or On.
Press this button to preview your screensaver operation
before returning to the Home Screen.
After the preview, press anywhere on the screen to
return to the sub menu.
Screensaver Setup
The Screensaver allows you
to create custom slideshows.
Screensaver Turn On Delay
How long after a button press for the
Screensaver to appear. 1, 3, 5, or 30 minutes
Screensaver Type
Slideshow, Digital Clock, Analog Clock
Screensaver - OFF
Screensaver - ON
Show Clock - OFF
Shows the time and date every 5 photos. Off or On
Use Theme Images - ON
Uses the included Theme Images for the Slideshow
Randomize Slideshow - OFF
Shuffles slideshow photos in random order