Johnson Controls
Sound from the equipment is an important consideration
when applying single package unit equipment to a space. En
sure the unit is kept away from sound sensitive areas, such
as conference rooms, auditoriums, executive offices, and any
other rooms that may potentially occupy tenants. Possible lo-
cations to install a single package unit could include above
hallways or mechanical or utility rooms. Refer to the
from Rooftop Units Application Guide (Form 5515909-JAD).
For further details, refer to the
Variable Air Volume for
Roof Curbs for Rooftop Units Application Guide (Form
Of the many factors that can affect the location of equip-
ment, some of the most important to consider are struc-
tural, acoustical, and service clearances. Proper attention
should be made at the design stage to ensure proper struc-
tural support. In cases where equipment is being replaced,
be aware of building design to ensure support is adequate
for the application.
Unit Placement (Continued)
Unit Placement
Elevated -
Elevated roof curbs or dunnage steel can
be used to support the unit in order to raise it to specif-
ic heights. When this type of placement is required, be
sure to keep unit access in mind. Cat walks or other
forms of unit access may be required to one or both
sides of the unit depending on your area of the country
and the local codes that are enforced. Please check
with local officials to ensure the application conforms
to local codes and regulations.
Ground Level Locations -
It is important that the units
be installed on a substantial base that will not settle or
cause strain on the refrigerant lines and sheet metal
that could result in possible leaks. A one-piece con
crete slab with footers extended below the frost line
is highly recommended. Additionally, isolate the slab
from the main building foundation to prevent noise
and vibration transmission to the building structure.
For ground level installations, take precautions to pro
tect the unit from tampering by or injury to unauthor-
ized persons. Make accommodations that allow for the
proper depths of the drain pan trap and humidifier trap.
Service clearances must be maintained at all times.
60 inches
60 inches
60 inches
100 inches
72 inches
84 inches
1. 10-foot clearance minimum over the top of the condensing unit.
Only one adjacent wall can exceed unit height.
3. 12-foot clearance required to adjacent units.
Figure 19: Unit Clearances