4. Rotate the damper to the desired position when
power is lost. If a tight seal is required, grasp the
damper drive shaft with pliers and compress the
damper seals.
5. Hold the damper shaft in this position, and tighten
the coupler set screw. Recommended torque for
the set screw is 150 to 180 lb∙in (17 to 20 N∙m).
Rotation Range
The actuator is factory set for 0 to 93° rotation.
To reduce the rotation range, reposition the coupler as
1. Make sure that the damper blade is visually
accessible or its position is permanently marked
on the end of the damper shaft (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Damper Position Icons
2. Determine the desired rotation range, and subtract
this amount from 90°.
3. Remove the locking clip from the coupler.
(Shown in Figure 3.)
4. Manually reposition the coupler, so the coupler set
screw aligns with the nodule guide that
corresponds to the value determined in Step 2.
1. For a rotation range of 60°, move the coupler so
the coupler set screw is at the 30° nodule guide
(90° - 60° = 30°). Refer to Figure 6.
Nodule Guides
in 10° Increments
(Starting with 0°)
CCW Face of Actuator
Note: Coupler set screw is shown at 30° in both applications.
CW Face of Actuator
0° Nodule
90° Nodule Guide
Figure 6: Actuator Set for 60° Rotation
2. For a rotation range of 45°, move the coupler so
the coupler set screw is midway between
the 40° and 50° nodule guides (90° - 45° = 45°).
The minimum rotation range is 34.5°.
3. Snap the locking clip securely into the coupler
groove to retain the coupler in the actuator.
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies before
making electrical connections. More than one
disconnection or isolation may be required to
completely de-energize equipment. Contact with
components carrying hazardous voltage can cause
electric shock and may result in severe personal
injury or death.
AVERTISSEMENT : Risque de décharge
Débrancher ou isoler toute alimentation avant de
réaliser un raccordement électrique. Plusieurs
isolations et débranchements sont peut-être
nécessaires pour -couper entièrement l'alimentation
de l'équipement. Tout contact avec des composants
porteurs de tensions dangereuses risque d'entraîner
une décharge électrique et de provoquer des
blessures graves, voire mortelles.
CAUTION: Risk of Property Damage.
Do not apply power to the system before checking all
wiring connections. Short circuited or improperly
connected wires may result in permanent damage to
the equipment.
MISE EN GARDE : Risque de dégâts matériels.
Ne pas mettre le système sous tension avant d'avoir
vérifié tous les raccords de câblage. Des fils formant
un court-circuit ou connectés de façon incorrecte
risquent d'endommager irrémédiablement
M9206-DNx Series Electric Spring Return Economizer Damper Actuators Installation Instructions